Friday, January 13, 2006

Takes a Strong Stomach

We've been frozen in place all week at the thought of Alito, the experience of Alito, the ineffable exquisiteness of his evasions, but we learned at least three things:

1. Mrs. Alito wears a smug mug, hovering in our TV screen just over her Sammy's right shoulder, and we won't miss the sight of her bird nose. Not ever.

2. The fecklessness of Democratic Senators (exceeded only by...)

3. How queer the Republican Senators are for the judge who would deny their mistresses an abortion.

Speaking of Democratic fecklessness, Scott Sexton's appraisal of Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines's decision NOT to run against Virginia Foxx this year hits that particular tack squarely on its flat head: "Joines didn't have the stomach to run...."

So, thanks, Mayor, for saving us another one of THOSE campaigns.

Sexton also offers this election-year tip for any other potential candidates against Foxx: "[Joines] really didn't want to pull on his hip boots for the inevitable slog through the mud that any credible campaign against Foxx would inevitably devolve into."

That is to say, "any credible campaign against Foxx" will have to be willing to go after her big fat behind of a legislative record, that playing nice against The Madame will get you approximately nowhere.

Sexton writes, "Joines is a genuinely nice guy .... Unfortunately, those are not the sort of people we send to Congress."

Obviously. Hence Virginia Foxx.

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