Thursday, September 29, 2005

Matrix Theory and Intelligent Design

"For all we know, the world may have been created five minutes ago, and we've all been implanted with memory chips." --Robert Pennock, a philosopher of science at Michigan State University and a witness for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District, under cross examination by the defendant's attorney (for who's who in this Darwin Revisited case, click here), quoted by the York Daily Record.

For the context of that comment, we depend on Mike Argento, writing in the same paper cited above: "[Pennock] got into what some people believe.... Young Earth creationists, for instance, believe our planet is between 6,000 and 10,000 years old, based on analysis of Scripture. Sure, you can believe that, Pennock said. But it ignores the evidence or claims that the evidence was placed there by God to fool us, which, when you think about, is a kind of odd way to describe the deity, as some kind of cosmic prankster. And that's when Pennock unloaded this: 'For all we know, the world may have been created five minutes ago, and we've all been implanted with memory chips.' "

So far in the Pennsylvania Darwin trial, Intelligent Design is taking a royal pasting, O my brethren.

Can't wait for the defendants to put on their case.

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