Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Guess the Author of THIS

Our Mystery Writer of the Day wrote (not exactly recently, either) that "the world in which we were brought up -- the good, the Christian, the democratic, the capitalist world" is vanishing because of our democracy's lack of moral fiber. Our American "race" is declining "in hardiness" because of "dissatisfaction, maladjustment and moral decay."

Pat Robertson? Jerry Falwell? A right-wing Republican?

No, it was Anne Morrow Lindberg, the wife of famed aviator Charles Lindberg, writing in 1940 in favor of American isolationism from the fighting even then going on in Europe between Hitler's Nazis and their neighbors. Those words of Lindberg's were included in a pamphlet she published called "The Wave of the Future." And what WAS the "wave of the future," which Anne Lindberg was advising Americans NOT to resist? Why, German-style fascism, that's what.

Interesting, ain't it, that voices in 1940 eager to find moral decay all around them in this country were also eager to give in to fascist impulses from abroad? (Charles Lindberg, you know, made at least three secret trips to Germany in the 1930s where he praised Hitler's military build-up and received a Nazi medal from Hermann Goring, and urged the American government NOT to come to the aid of Great Britain and France.) Now, and similarly, the loud voices so insistent that America has become an anti-Christian sump of gay-marrying abortionist embryo-experimenters are also the same people all too willing to kow-tow to the amassing of absolute power by an oligarchy that likes its "news" Fox-style.

El Presidente is getting ready to nominate their fifth vote on the Supreme Court.

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