Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Davidson Co. Commissioners Reject Resolution Against Gay Marriage

Standing up to threats of God's vengeance and a standing-room-only hearing room, Davidson County Commissioners last night refused in a 4-3 vote to pass a resolution urging the N.C. legislature to pass a "defense of marriage" constitutional amendment.

Some churches bused people to the meeting.

If the four commissioners were courageous, consider the courage of the handful of gay citizens who spoke out. "I consider myself a Christian, but I am also gay," said Pam Hooker. "We're not trying to hurt anybody. We're just trying to be who we are." Hooker refuted charges that being gay is a choice and said she could not choose to be straight. "I can't -- no more than you could choose to be gay," she said.

To the good "Christians" in the audience consigning them to hell, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Don Truell said, "I really don't think that a lot of you all understand what the constitution is. The Bible is the greatest book there is, but there is a constitution, too." He said the constitution is designed to ensure that the rights of minorities are not trampled by the majority.

Amen, bro.

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