Thursday, October 14, 2004

Vaccine-Gate II

The NYTimes says this a.m. that people are getting "desperate" for the highly scarce flu vaccine: "At one pharmacy, there were so many people that ... nurses kept what was supposed to be a three-hour clinic open for seven. At another, the store lost electricity in a power failure, but the nurses kept the injections coming. And with clinics trying to make sure that the most vulnerable people are getting the vaccine first, [nurses] have had to turn people away: middle-aged men who have wanted a flu shot in an effort to protect their children from the illness, mothers who want to keep themselves healthy to care for their families."

There's a whiff of panic in the air. You could see it in El Presidente's eyes last night at the third debate, when he did the bug warrior bit and volunteered that he wouldn't get a shot and hoped that other "healthy" people would follow his lead. 'Course, that might be because he understood they were talking about the "flue," and he figgers he's got people on the payroll who keep his chimney clean.

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