Thursday, September 30, 2004

What Would Jesus Vandalize?

At around 3 a.m. this morning, the headquarters of the Watauga County Democratic Party was hit by vandals, who broke two of the large downstairs windows with chunks of cinderblock before running off on foot into the night. Apparently, there is an eye witness.

Our opponents in this election need to search their souls. The neoconservative doctrine of preemptive destruction seems to have seeped deep into the nooks and crannies of small minds devoted to the Republican cause.

Boone's very own Kristallnacht, or "night of the broken glass." The original Kristallnacht happened under the Nazis in Germany in November 1938, when organized gangs of true believers vandalized Jewish homes and businesses all over the country. Adolph Hilter later told the world that the vandalism was "spontaneous," eruptions of rage boiling up among loyal Germans who found their Jewish neighbors insufficiently "pure" to the goals of the Fatherland. But there was nothing spontaneous about Kristallnacht. It was a carefully orchestrated campaign of terrorism against people perceived to be disloyal, one of several first steps toward The Ultimate Solution of the gas chambers.

Not that the sick people who broke windows at 352 West King Street are Nazis, just reasonable facsimiles thereof, in a nation where El Presidente has made it very clear that if you aren't "with him," you're suspect. His little foot soldiers in Boone evidently got that message.

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