Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Don't Believe Those Polls!

Our polling guru Ruy Teixeira of "Donkey Rising" talks about the new Gallup poll, taken entirely after the Republican convention, that shows Bush with a much more believeable 2-point bounce, and Teixeira trashes the recent Time and Newsweek polls that looked so orchestrated to stampede the masses into El Presidente's camp. Balderdash! roars Teixeira. What the new Gallup poll reveals, according to Teixeira (pronounced, incidentally (tee-CHER-ra), is that Bush actually did far worse than Republican operatives had hoped for in bouncing out of his convention. A 2-point up-tick "is the worst ever received by an incumbent president, regardless of party, and the worst ever received by a Republican candidate, whether incumbent or not."

Meanwhile, I've heard from a local Dem this morning who sent me a copy of a letter written to Time magazine canceling the subscription and asking for the money back ... all because of that 11-point Bush-advantage poll they published which turned out to be a total illusion.

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