Sunday, July 11, 2004

Who Would Jesus Choose?

The "I'm-more-Christian-than-thou" mud fest among Virginia Foxx and company in North Carolina's 5th District Congressional race is apparently just a sample this year of the loose screws that have completely taken over the Republican Party. For example, there's another "Big Christian" slap fight going on in the 10th Congressional District, where Cass Ballenger is stepping down.

Former Catawba County Sheriff David Huffman, whose campaign kickoff in April featured several prayers and Christian music, is the leading contender in the I'd-sooner-burn-a-heretic-at-the-stake-than-look-at-'im sweepstakes. "We need a strong Christian voice in Washington working tirelessly to help our nation return to the core, Christian values that we share here in the 10th District," Huffman said earlier this year.

And because Republican primary voters are now perceived to be mainly the religiously intolerant, the other three candidates in the 10th District Republican primary have been forced to follow suit. Like George Moretz, board chairman of Carolina Mills Inc., who emphasized the need for fair trade and job loss early in his campaign ... why, George has been forced to emphasize his religious beliefs in recent weeks. Well, that IS the first question we ask of a candidate: where do you stand on total immersion, as opposed to (gasp!) sprinkling?

(And as a matter of fact, has Virginia Foxx ever been saved? Does she know Jesus Christ as her personal savior? And does God talk to her on a daily basis, you know, about napalming gay people?)

Sandy Lyons, a third candidate in the 10 Dist. primary whom Ballenger actually endorsed as his replacement, seems at the moment the big victim of Huffman's Jesus-jumpin'. Lyons says Huffman's people are spreading false rumors about him, that he's a member of the Church of Scientology, so that Lyons was reduced to the pathetic need to put out this statement to the press: "Lyons said he is a Christian and regularly attends church with his wife, he just doesn't stress his religious affiliation as often as the other candidates."

And to think, one of these bozos WILL be elected to represent North Carolina's 10th District. (And don't get me started on our own crop of Super Christians here in the 5th District!)

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