Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Some Primary Results

It's been a tough couple of days for catching up, but here's what we've found out about what happened in both parties yesterday.

The big local news on the Republican side of the ballot is that Vernon Robinson beat Virginia Foxx narrowly in overall votes (district wide ... Virginia trounced everyone else in Watauga County) and will be forced into a run-off which ought to be fairly entertaining in its content.  Ed Broyhill has the right to call for a recount, since his 3rd-place finish was so close.  Round Two between Virginia & Vernon will be Democrat Jim Harrell's great opportunity to build his campaign treasury while his likely Republican opponent in November depletes hers fighting off charges that she's soft on lesbians.

The other big local news is that Spencer Mains was defeated by party-pick Phillips for the County Commissioner seat that Jimmy Hodges is vacating.  Phillips had the backing of the local Republican bosses, while Mains' reputation for general anger at the influence of "outsiders" in Watauga County might signal that the local party is trying to put its past bigotry against "outsiders" behind it.  Or at least soften its public perception.    (In a non-soft campaign move, Mains refused to answer the Watauga Democrat's questions for the pre-primary election issue.)Spencer Mains was one of the meaner "no-zoners" on the long-running dog-and-pony show, the committee on polluting industries, and has apparently never gotten over his own lapse in voting with the rest of that committee to recommend a conditional-use permitting process for all new polluters in the county -- a recommendation which the newly elected all-Republican County Commission promptly rescinded last year.

Down-state, we were most interested in the fate of those "moderate" Republican allies of House Co-Speaker Richard Morgan, against whom the Republican jihadists had vowed holy war.  Richard Morgan survived his challenger, Peggy Crutchfield, but barely, 51 to 49 percent.  The ever gracious Crutchfield told the press, "I hope my opponent learned something from this election, and takes those lessons to Raleigh with him,  If he doesn't heed the message the voters sent, he may very well see another strong challenge in two years."  A non-concession concession statement, in that sneering voice we've come to expect and value so highly in Southern Republicans!

At least 11 of Morgan's Republican supporters in the state house were targeted for extinction.  Some were indeed exterminated: Political consultant Nelson Dollar of Cary stepped in and trounced Rep. David Miner, a Morgan ally and a 12-year incumbent from Cary; Morgan supporters Reps. Rex Baker of Stokes County and Michael Gorman of Craven County lost. But allies Debbie Clary of Cleveland County and Stephen LaRoque of Kinston won.

Rex Baker lost!  My, my, my.  When he used to represent Watauga County, he was about the only Republican state legislator from this district who would lift a hand to help citizens.  Though he was a bared-fangs campaigner.

Speaking of run-offs, Vinroot and Ballantine get to vie again, along with Vernon & Virginia, and there'll be a primary run-off on the Democratic side for Superintendent of Public Instruction between June Atkinson and Marshall Stewart.  All the run-offs will be August 17, and if you think turn-out was dismal yesterday, just wait until August 17th!  That's when Virginia Foxx wins.

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