Saturday, July 31, 2004

Bush's Biggest Ever Budget Deficit

Under federal law, the White House budget office is supposed to offer a "mid-session review" of the projected budget deficit by July 15th, which would have put the dismal (and ballooning) Bush deficit figures within easy reach of speechifiers at the Democratic National Convention. So what did the White House budget office do? It delayed admitting that the deficit will reach $445 billion this budget year until the day after the Dems Convention ended. Cool!

And what else is the White House trying to do with that deficit? They're trying to convince everyone that it's good news: "the improved budget outlook is the direct result of the strong economic growth the president's tax relief has fueled," said El Presidente's budget director Josh Bolten.

Wha-a-a? "They're claiming improvement?" said an incredulous Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota, the top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee. "That is utterly preposterous." According to the New York Times, a $445 billion deficit would make it by far the largest shortfall ever in the dollar amount.

But being utterly preposterous is what this administration is best at.

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