Thursday, June 03, 2004

God's Choice for President Lawyers Up

The question is, Why would the most moral president in the history of the universe, the man who can't remember ever making a mistake, need a lawyer???

The name of the attorney-at-law-on-deck at the White House is Jim Sharp, and we'll know more about him anon. (And if you don't know what the hell this is all about, the link in this graph will give you a compressed summary of the background.) Mike Allen in the Washington Post says Sharp is a former assistant U.S. attorney and heads his own firm in Washington, D.C. Allen quotes Joseph E. diGenova, a former U.S. attorney who worked with Sharp as a young prosecutor ... says Sharp is known for his litigation skills. DiGenova called Sharp "a brilliant tactician who is very persuasive" and said he is "folksy like a fox."

"Nearer My Litigator, To Thee"?

"Honk If You're Lawyered Up & Believe in Jesus"?

Wonkette said, "It's really hard to seem like an evil-fighting man of the people when you've got a criminal attorney on retainer."

Meanwhile, the New York Times has gotten hold of an e-mail the Bush/Cheney campaign sent en masse to church members in Pennsylvania, asking them to turn their houses of worship into campaign centrals on behalf of The Biggest Born-Again President in Our Nation's History. The Pennsylvania e-mail went to members of 1,600 churches in just that one state, suggesting that there is a "vast" nationwide effort underway by the Rovians to make the churches political hand-maidens, thus incidentally endangering their tax exempt status.

In a statement, Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of the Interfaith Alliance, a liberal group, called the effort "an astonishing abuse of religion" and "the rawest form of manipulation of religion for partisan gain." But he's a liberal, so we've got his number.

Also meanwhile, we get this other headline about The Most Christian Presidency Since the Cooling of the Earth's Crust: "Polygraph Testing Starts at Pentagon in Chalabi Inquiry."

And this: Time magazine has obtained evidence that Vice President/Acting President Dick Cheney "coordinated" the multibillion-dollar Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq and then told Tim Russert last September that "of course" he had NOTHING whatsoever to do with that contract.

"God Is My Co-Pilot, But Halliburton Bought the Plane"?

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