Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Cheney To Daughter Mary: "Get Out Of the Boat. Now"

And the word went out to Dick Cheney from Karl Rove that he needed to disavow his much repeated remarks from the 2000 campaign -- you know, that Cheney thought the issue of gay marriage should NOT be a federal issue but should be left to the states to decide (because, perhaps, Cheney's own daughter Mary is a lesbian, and he didn't much like the prospects of the Republicans targeting his own daughter with an anti-gay marriage amendment), but the Word went out to Dick Cheney from Karl Rove to mend this soft-on-lesbians impression, and today Dick Cheney delivered The Word, making the rounds to Wolf Blitzer on CNN, to Brit Hume on Faux News, and to Lester Holt on MSNBC, announcing that what he said in 2000 was no longer operable.

Here's what Howie Kurtz says he said to Blitzer:

"Cheney: The president's made a decision, partly because of what's happened in Massachusetts and San Francisco, that the administration will support a constitutional amendment -- and uh, that's his decision to make.

"Blitzer: And you support it?

"Cheney: I support the president.

"Blitzer: I don't hear you say you believe there should be a constitutional. . . .

"Cheney: I support the president. Wolf, my deal with the president is that I get to advise him on the issues of the day. I never discuss the advice I provide him with anybody else. That's always private. He makes the decisions. He sets policy for the administration. And uh, I support him and the administration."

Wonder how Mary Cheney felt this morning hitting the water?

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