Friday, February 21, 2025

Protesting Foxx and the Trump Admin in Boone, 2/21/25


Protest at Congresswoman Virginia Foxx's Boone office. Her staff locked the door and wouldn't let anyone in to voice an opinion.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they had a major impact on government policy.

Anonymous said...

The oak was once an acorn.

Red Hornet said...

21 years in Congress and still a nut. (Ms. Palmieri)

Anonymous said...

And Musk has a chainsaw.

Anonymous said...

We should be like Germany. Paper ballots. I.D. required to vote, Hand counted ballots. One day voting. All votes counted in one day.

Anonymous said...

Germany voting population 59.2 million vs USA 161 million registered voters ( which is 62.8 percent of voting age of Americans). We still have the most secure voting in the world.........but don't trust me. the election office is always looking for help and will teach you everything about about how it works.

Anonymous said...

So, you agree that Trump was elected without any improprieties? That he was elected by a majority of the electorate and the Electoral College?

How trusting.

Anonymous said...

Not a majority of the electorate by a longshot.

Wolf's Head said...

We should do all of the above and more, maybe a national holiday to vote. Germany's voter turnout was 83%, so we can do better.

Anonymous said...

"Not a majority of the electorate by a longshot." Election denier!!!