Tuesday, September 24, 2024

NCGOP Takes Another Shot at Stopping the Youth Vote


The whole world is going paperless, and only the NCGOP professes in court that they can't possibly believe that the digital world actually works. Instead of a physical card, encased in plastic and featuring a photo, UNC-Chapel Hill has gone wholly digital with student IDs. Any student can present their phone as proof of identity, with a photo and other identifying details that any fool can see is legitimate. (Why, begorra, you have long been able to flash your phone to get on an international flight.) Other universities not to mention businesses and agencies, are bound to follow the trend, and more paperless IDs will become common.

But the GOP sued in Wake Superior Court the week of Sept. 9th to halt the use of the mobile UNC One Card as legal identity. Superior Court Judge Keith Gregory denied the Republicans a temporary restraining order on Thurs., Sept. 19, and for not the first time, the haters of the young got rooked in court.

Unclear whether the GOP intends to appeal, but sure, it will, and its chances of getting judges on the side of disenfranchisement up the ladder remains strong in this tyrannized state.


Wolf's Head said...

NC voter rolls cleansed. 290,000 duplicates and 130,000 dead people. You'll have to cheat harder this time.

J.W. Williamson said...

Did you read the article? "...the majority of those stripped from the rolls were deemed ineligible to be registered because they had moved within the state and did not register their new address, or because they did not participate in the past two federal elections, prompting an inactive status." It's purely routine.

Wolf's Head said...

Yes. It shows that voter rolls are out of date and are in need of revision. 750,000 voters removed out of 7.4 million is 10%, enough inaccuracy to throw an election. And I note that you always condemn republican efforts to correct to rolls.

Wolf's Head said...


J.W. Williamson said...

Incorrect. I object to Republican attempts to limit access to voting. Routine maintenance of the voter rolls is not the same thing. But I think you know that.