Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Every Apple Finds Its Worm

"Foxx in the School House," courtesy of Mother Jones. Scroll down to see the animation. Whoever did the Madam's voice got pretty close to those foghorn tones we all know so well.

Elsewhere in Left Blogtopia, people are asking this a.m., "Where was Congresswoman Foxx last night? Who did she sit with?"

Consensus is that she was either not there or that she sat sulking in a clutch of other Republicans who (a) didn't have "dates" and (b) didn't want "dates."

Pleasantness is not the Madam's style.

1 comment:

Henery said...

AsheWatch is reporting that Foxx announced yesterday that she would be sitting with Dem Rep. Yvette Clark from Foxx's hometown of Brooklyn.