Saturday, September 04, 2010

Must Be an Election Year

So Congresswoman Virginia Foxx sends out her spokesman Aaron Groen yesterday, and Mr. Groen sez that The Madam is opposed -- opposed -- to amending the Constitution to eliminate the problem of "anchor babies," that is, the automatic granting of citizenship to babies of "illegals" born in the USA.

The Madam just went off the conservative and tea party reservation.

The big old movement among tea partiers and the most conservative Republicans is to amend the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to any human being born within its borders, and thus eliminate the whole issue of "anchor babies." Mr. Groen sez that The Madam prefers "a legislative fix," which would be H.R.1868, we reckon, written to limit "birthright citizenship" to those babies who have at least one parent who's a legal resident. How would such a law pass constitutional muster? It wouldn't. Amending the Constitution is the only way to achieve the purge that Foxx supporters -- and Foxx herself, on numerous occasions -- have called for. Foxx's most recent tele-townhall was chock-a-block full of anti-immigrant rhetoric, much of it coming from Foxx's supporters, all of which she readily agreed with.

So this is just political tacking in order to sound just slightly less mean than she actually is.


Anonymous said...

Virginia Foxx says nothing about the Blowing Rock Land Trade secret deal she helped push through (with the help of Richard Burr). She doesn't want to incur the Tea Party Wrath on an issue that she acted illegally upon. Perhaps this story should be put to the forefront of her opponet's strategy to beat her.

Anonymous said...

JW_ Foxx will beat Kennedy 62 to 38. You are not helping our country either conservatively or liberally. I hope you recognize your destructive nature.

Anonymous said...

I hope she is re-elected or JW won't have a reason for existing.

On the other hand......

Who Knows said...

Isn't Foxx's son-in-law an immigrant from an Arab country? I don't know his citizenship status, but maybe this has something to do with her current position on the citizenship of babies born in the US. Sometimes personal experience trumps ideology.