Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fritter Fest

Thank Gawd it's over today, this monumental waste of time, energy, and money.


Anonymous said...

Thank Gawd it's over today, this monumental waste of time, energy, and money. * JW

Right! Another reason why Communism solves this problem! Screw Democracy and the Greek Goat they rode in on!

brotherdoc said...

I hate to say it, but unless someone can catch Burr screwing a Greek Goat (or an intern or such) he will be returned to office, as the Tea Pee-ers are sure to fall in line behind him. Anything can happen between now and November, I suppose, but he has the big bucks--some from oil companies, some from Big Pharma, you name the corporation, it's lining his pockets. Those interests are all determined to thwart the President. It's a damn shame the Dems don't go ahead and get some good progressive stuff passed before the gridlock that is sure to mark the rest of Obama's presidency. But they don't want to force a GOP filibuster, so they whine about not having 60 votes in the Senate.

brotherdoc said...

Meant to add--this is democracy? Didn't the people give a large majority to the President and Democratic party in 2008?

bobh said...

Instant-runoff voting would help in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Instant-runoff voting would help in many ways.*B

I agreed! Burr should be run off from any ATM machine during the night.......