Thursday, October 12, 2006

When Good Republicans Get Better

Isn't it news when a past chair of the Watauga County Republican Party attacks the most visible Republican activist of the day? It's GOT to be news when that GOP leader takes out his light saber against a fellow Republican partisan in order to defend a Democratic candidate from scurrilous accusations.

Unfortunately, you'll have to go out and find a copy of the High Country News to read Rob Holton's long letter addressed primarily to Deborah Greene, calling her to task for her attacks on County Commission candidate John Cooper. HCN does not put its letters-to-the-editor up on-line. Alas.

But it's must reading: "Ms. Greene, I don't understand the negative tone and anti everything that seems to be the gist of most of your letters and comments at public hearings."

We thank the gentleman.

Look for Ms. Greene's answer next week. It will no doubt run slightly shorter than the book of Isaiah, and be as saturated with a fierce spirit of (self) righteousness.

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