Sunday, August 20, 2006

Carter Wrenn, Repenting at Leisure

Carter Wrenn was the political brains behind the irresistible rise of Jesse Helms back in the 1970s, running the Raleigh-based Congressional Club for a couple of dark decades.

He's mellowed somewhat, or at least he's grown reflective of what the Helms/Wrenn political machine did in the name of God in the 1970s and '80s.

In short, Wrenn has written a novel. The main character, "Jubal Kane," is based on Jesse Helms. So he admits in an interview in the N&O published today.

We begin to lose count of the number of times in the last couple of years that a carefully constructed mask of Christian rectitude has been ripped off a Republican hypocrite to reveal a manipulative s.o.b. with really rotten motives.

Wrenn is amazingly frank about the racism of Jesse Helms and his own part in facilitating it for political gain.

Next he'll be wanting us to buy his novel.

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