Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Text of Shook v. Shook

If you want to read the text of Patricia E. Shook's federal discrimination complaint against Sheriff Shook, here 'tis.

The main difference from the Townsend suit is that whereas Townsend alleges the sheriff pursued a sexual "relationship," Ms. Shook alleges that all her difficulties stemmed from her supervisory role over certain male employees of the sheriff's department (she was Chief of Communications, after all), and that when she gave one of them a poor job performance rating, "Defendant Shook advised the Plaintiff that he would terminate her if she continued to report the male subordinate's poor job performance. Thereafter, Defendant Shook frequently made negative, sexual comments about females working within the Sheriff's Department. The Plaintiff contends that Defendant Shook also demeaned her and other female coworkers and made an effort to undermine the Plaintiff's supervisory authority within her department."

Nothing about unwanted sexual advances. It seems to be all about a "hostile work environment" based on negative (sexual) stereotypes of women.

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