Saturday, March 12, 2005

Elon College Poll on Taxes

(Won't bore you with details of my whereabouts Wednesday through Friday, since all-day meetings rank somewhere below watching paint dry, but on the one day when I could have done postings to this site -- Thursday -- the server was inexplicably down. What was hot news on Thursday is waaay stale by now. So we press on:)

Elon College has done state-wide polling (of 571 adults) on The Guv's tax plan and found this:

1. Nearly 60 percent are willing to jump the cigarette tax up from the current 5 cents to 50 cents per pack ... with no regrets. Apparently, a significant majority of North Carolinians are non-smokers now and don't hesitate to stick it to those who haven't kicked the habit.

2. Nearly 53 percent don't mind keeping the half-cent of additional sales tax that was passed as an emergency measure, since they associate it with budget-balancing.

3. The largest majority (63 percent) doesn't like Easley's plan to lower taxes on the wealthiest among us. Not that The Guv gives a flip.

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