Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Robinson Asks Foxx to Bow Out Gracefully

You can't beat the Republican race to replace Dick Burr in the 5th Congressional District for low comedy.

According to the Winston-Salem Journal, Virginia Foxx had already written her official request to the State Board of Elections, asking for the run-off that it is her right to ask for, when her tormentor in chief, Vernon Robinson, came out in the press suggesting that she bow out gracefully -- like gubernatorial candidate Richard Vinroot did in favor of Patrick Ballantine last week. Robinson's implication is that Virginia would do well to back out rather than suffer the insufferable, i.e., a terrible drubbing at the polls on August 17th.

"If she is interested in helping the rest of us strengthen this party, Virginia will have the courage to follow Mayor Vinroot's example," Robinson said in a statement. Whatever Virginia Foxx is lacking -- and there are several things I can think of, including a working heart -- it ain't courage. So nice try, Vern!

And if someone needs to bow out to avoid the embarrassment of losing miserably to a "secret liberal" like Foxx, Mr. Robinson might want to consider his options, because enough of Broyhill's and Helvey's primary voters are going to flock to Foxx in the run-off to make a sad spectacle of Robinson's flirtation with national politics.

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