Tuesday, January 20, 2004

The State of the Union

The Independent published today the most devastating list of vital statistics as a primer on the Bush administration. The whole list is much too long to reproduce here, so we hope you'll click on the link and see the whole, long, sorry detailing of the swath of misery this Prez has left behind him. Here's a sampling:

2.4 million: Number of Americans who have lost their jobs during the three years of the Bush administration

221,000: Number of jobs per month created since Bush's tax cuts took effect. He promised the measure would add 306,000

1,000: Number of new jobs created in the entire country in December. Analysts had expected a gain of 130,000

1st: This administration is on its way to becoming the first since 1929 (Herbert Hoover) to preside over an overall loss of jobs during its complete term in office

9 million: Number of US workers unemployed in September 2003

80%: Percentage of the Iraqi workforce now unemployed

55%: Percentage of the Iraqi workforce unemployed before the war

43.6 million: Number of Americans without health insurance in 2002

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